We provide the whole spectrum of non-invasive cardiology. Our in-office diagnostic testing includes the echocardiogram, EKG, Holter and event monitoring, and exercise testing. For adult patients we also provide facilities for inasive testing (cath lab).

An echocardiogram visualizes the heart using sound waves. It is painless and usually takes about 20 to 30 minutes to do. It is useful to determine the structure of the heart and its function. This can give us valuable information if there is an abnormality of the heart.

An EKG is a recording of the electrical activity of the heart. This is done by placing leads (little stickers) on the chest over the heart and recording the heart beats. This can give us useful information about the rhythm of the heart.

A 24 hour Holter is a recording device that allows us to record every heart beat for up to 24 hours. Our recorders are especially designed for children. The recording is made on an electronic chip. It is useful when your child complains of irregular heart beats or fast heart beats during the day.

Cardiopulmonary exercise testing allows us to check the general physical fitness both in young athletes as in patients with heart disease. It is painless and usually takes about 20 to 30 minutes to do. It can give us valuable information if there is an abnormality of the cardiovascular system and the lungs.


Further medical diagnostics and treatment is provided by other specialists in our medical building (radiology, pulmonary medicine, angiology and vascular medicine, orthopedics, ORL, neurology etc.).
Website: doc-do.de
